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I just posted an answer on Quora: Who is the decision maker when selling digital IT transformation consultancy services to large enterprise sales? What is the sales process?
Answer: What are the reasons that an organisation goes through a digital IT transformation process? What made them decide to transform their organisation? ==> in the answers you will find some clues about who decides and why.
If you sell to IT people you will be blocked in most cases because their role is keeping the status quo keeping the organisation stable, let things run smoothly. (You have also exceptions and at CIO level you will possibly find more strategic thinkers)
Organisations transform themselves because of growth reasons (new clients, new products, new CEO, …) or survival reasons (competition, new regulations, new technology,…).
==> The result is the same: they have to adapt, enter new markets, change their customer approach , … , and as a result of that change their strategy, organisation, internal processes…. and as result of that maybe changing of supplier and solutions.

==>Secret of selling: a new solution/supplier is in most cases linked to these transformational changes (i.e. growth or survival). If you can identify them and make them discussable you will be heard at the right playing field.
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Top sellers and top advisors don’t lpay the customers game.They first set the rules of play.
The customer has no pain. So they won’t be losing any sleep over it.
The purchase criteria are not known. We must therefore create them
Good Selling,grts, Rene Copyright © 2010-2018, René Knecht Differentiation Selling is Registered in US Patent and Trademark Office. Differentiation Selling is Registered in The Benelux Office for Intellectual Property (BOIP)

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Copyright © 2010-2018, René Knecht Differentiation Selling is Registered in US Patent and Trademark Office. Differentiation Selling is Registered in The Benelux Office for Intellectual Property (BOIP)